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of Archicad implementation experience 

BIM6x Template Kits are based on the feedback

of thousands of users, with ongoing support from Graphisoft. These are the most powerful commercially available template kits anywhere.

Plus Shape
Plus Shape
Plus Shape

Fast start or empowering of your Archicad project

The BIM6x Template Kits are Archcad files with prelinked views, layouts and with plenty of extra features including schedules, audits and indexes and many other helpful settings.

These are the most powerful commercially available template kits anywhere and we are proud to offer solutions to meet any budget. 

With BIM6x Template Kits you can think less about file organization and settings and concentrate on the design.  

Always up to date!

Our Archicad 28 Templates are based on the USA Archicad 28 Template.tpl (which we co-create) and can be customized for commercial projects. All templates are available for immediate download from our Store.

You could be discovering a whole new world

of Archicad within minutes!

3D Swirl

Choose your Kit

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It is a great entry-level solution for users who have the 30-day trial version of Archicad, are relatively new to Archicad, or even existing users who just want to check out the power of a pre-linked template.

Views: 80

Layouts: 82

Extras: 97

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Views: 776

Layouts: 366

Extras: 348

+ User manual!

Is the ultimate solution to maximize your Archicad productivity and profitability. Plenty of views are linked onto layouts, comprising Marketing, Schematic Design, Design Development & Construction Documentation Sets and schedules, audits and indexes. This template includes all the typical phases and documentation sets to handle a four-story building. 



There's no need to spend money on a new version POWER Kit if you already have an old one!

Existing POWER Kit users can upgrade for just $199!

Already have
a great template?

– That's fantastic! The more users using truly great templates the better!

There are always ways to improve though and with Archicad being such a complex piece of software, we suspect you may learn more than you think from our kits, especially the BIM6x POWER Kit, which is so much more than just a single template file! For the cost of a few hours of research, we think you're bound to find new features that could save you significant amounts of time and improve the quality of your work! 


Learn more from our KITs!

Contact us and we will find the best solution for you.

License types: Perpetual

Price: $0 / $199* / $499

Platform: WIN / MAC

Archicad version: 28

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*Existing Power Kit upgrade price.

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