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Display your logo in BIMx with Architect Credits

Did you know you can include your company logo and website into your BIMx file? These 'Architect Credits' will then appear on your mobile device!

Graphisoft has outlined this process here, but the following is our take on it!

Project Preview & Architects Credits in BIMx is accessed via File> Info> Project Info… and is where you can add your own URL and company logo. These will automatically be displayed in BIMx files when you publish them.

Note that there are two separate tabs in this dialog box. The image used under the Project Preview tab is independent of the image used in the Architects Credits in BIMx tab. This preview is what appears in your list of BIMx Projects in your BIMx app.

Under the Architect Credits in BIMx tab you can enter your URL and logo. Make sure the URL begins with http:// so that it becomes a live hyperlink in the BIMxapp. That is - if someone taps on it they will be taken to the website. Without the http:// it is simply static text. And choose a logo with an alpha channel to remove the background in the BIMx app.

When you are setting the Publishing Properties of your BIMx Publisher Set, be sure the check 'Use Architects Credits in BIMx Hyper-models'.

Once published and opened in the BIMx app, this is what it looks like when the BIMx Model 3D View is loading...

And this is what it looks like when the BIMx Model 3D View is loaded. Notice the logo is now minimized in the top right corner of the screen. And because it has an alpha channel, it appears transparent around the main part of the logo:

And when you tap on the logo this appears. Notice the http:// is missing , but the web address is a live link...

So that's all you need to do to make sure anyone who sees the BIMx presentation knows it was you who created it!


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